I'm really into minimalism when it comes to my wardrobe. Well, at least I have been for the past month. That means cleaning/purging my closet, throwing away anything that's stained or got holes (and haven't been repared in the last 6 months), donating and/or selling items i don't wear.
These videos are super inspiring! Will you start this challenge with me?
'Minimalist wardrobe' -rules:
- Purge: throw away, sell, donate.
- Make a list of items you actually need in addition to your wardrobe. This includes basics like lingerie, socks and work-out gear but maybe you also need a dress for special occasions? Stick to the list when you go shopping and don't buy (too many;-) things you don't need!
- In with something new? See if there's anything older or unwanted in your wardrobe you can get rid of.
- When buying new clothes, try to stick to pieces that work together. Can you incorporate this item in your existing wardrobe or do you need to buy another t'shirts, skirt, jacket etc. with it? The only exception to this is 'dresses'. They can be wearable (statement) pieces on their own.
- Trends are just trends. You don't need something just because it is hot right now! Especially when it doesn't go with your overall-style.
- Try to invest in classic, timeless pieces from great quality.
- keep your closet clean and tidy. Try using the same hangers for all your items, and/or buy nice storage boxes (for lingerie, winter/summer wear or socks).
- Clean your shoes before putting them back in your closet or in shoe boxes.
- Don't hold on to items which are too small/ too big or that you don't actually like wearing. Your wardrobe should make you feel GOOD and make you happy with the way you look!!!
Watch this video by Youtuber Carrie LeighAnna:
And also, I really like these ones by LightbyCoco:
Have you ever tried to incorporate these concepts (minimalism + capsule wardrobe) into your wardrobe? Or how do you 'build' or maintain your wardrobe?
Do you have any other rules, tips or trics to include to Minimalist-wardrobe rules? Please let me know, i'm curious and still a little new to these concepts. One of my 101-in 1001 days- items is to create a 'timeless and elegant' wardrobe, so let's give it a try! :-)