zondag 10 augustus 2014

My favorite youtube-bloggers/vloggers

I have a few favorite youtubers/bloggers/vloggers who I really like. So I thought it would be fun to share. 

1. Christine of Pink So Foxy.

I did a post with one of her videos before. She's amazing with organizing and DIY projects. I especially love to watch how she organises closets or 'follow a day in the life' (vlog) of their lives in Maui, Hawaii. Her videos/ DIY projects are truly made with love. 
Here's her youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/pinksofoxy
And her blog: http://www.pinksofoxy.com/

2. Lauren Curtis of Laurenbeautyy.

She is such an amazing make-up artist! I love here make-up routines and she explains everything really well. If you compare her to other MUA's, she's actually one of the best! I really like here eyes and eyebrow routines. 
youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/laurenbeautyy

3. Rachel from Rachhloves.

Honest, funny, pretty. A yummy mummy, who blogs on a variety of subjects from cleaning, to shopvlogs, to how to be confident. A lot of bloggers/youtubers seem to have this perfect life/home/closet, well she's a little bit more honest and shows you the mess it sometimes can be at home. Funny (like I said) and cute!
youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/RachhLoves

4. Mascha from beautygloss.nl

I'm not that much into make-up and beauty items so I really like the shift from being mainly a beauty-blogger to a more personal blog. I find watching her vlogs so relaxing, I like to watch them at breakfast or when I get home from work. I think her DIY project are more for schoolgirls (I think they're a bit boring) but the vlogs are nice. 
youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/beautygloss

1 opmerking:

  1. thank you for the great recommendations, i cant wait to check them out! id love it if youd comment back http://www.amyelizabethfashion.com/2014/08/tropical-fruit-salad.html xx
